
Brief introduction to our business areas

InfoLabYouYou(PB) supports customers with consulting of mixed areas for business and ITC capability.

① From executive views that direct ITC and data driven corporation

② To be featured business activities, ans agility and visualization

③ Business improvement through better activities of Human Resources and higher machine usability

Supporting areas are shown in following figure.


(1) ICT for Business and Executives
 -Strategy planning and roadmapping
 -Evaluating business maturity and IT environment
 -Milestones for realization

(2) Information driven corporation
 -Business Analytics nd big data availability
 -Support for analytics methodology(Introduce to machine learning, planning, organization, execution)
 -Network graph analysis(Design, analytics), Geographic analysis and consulting

(3) Strategic Data Manegement
 -Data governance --- planning and building processes
 -Entetrprise Data Modeling 
 -Data Management maturity assessment, and roadmapping to future
 -Security evaluation support
 -Organization evaluation and changing

(4) Human Resources availability
 -Planning for HR skill improvement (ITC, Data Science, Data Engineering areas)
 -Communication improvement
 -Mindness of information shareing, education planning and learning support
 -Tools (ZOOM, Online Learning, etc.)

(5) Project Management support
 -Project planning
 -Process management
 -Monitoring and evaluation

(6) Training support
 -Introduction to the Data Management(based on Dama DMBoK2)
 -Data Science Course(Python training)
 -Open Data Science tool - KNIME usages

Please refer to Activities page also.

How to make planning and supports

InfoLabYouYou(PB) will make effective proposals for customers including partnerships.